Who Farted?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

tonight we ride. tonight we roll. tonight we drink. tonight we smoke. tonight we cuss. tonight we piss. tonight we burp. tonight we shake hands. tonight we laugh. tonight we tell people to fuck off. tonight we feel bored for a moment. tonight we meet friends. tonight we meet idiots. tonight we skateboard. tonight we eat bad food. tonight we use our phones. tonight we wish our good friends who moved away could be here with us...

pretty much an average night that we supercharged with a little extra awesome sauce.*

*EDITORS NOTE: this is NOT poetry. rich crenshaw doesn't participate in that faggoty shit. i'm a man goddam it. us men don't even have emotions other than "hey dude, i'm kinda hungry" or "that chick looks totally hot bro" or "yo dane, i feel like listening to some reggae bra. you should go grab the big bubbler and some of that proper sticky cali green so we can totally bake. cool bro? a'ight. i'll get the chips and guac, broseph, and you grab the bubble-icious, but dude you know i always get greens at my fucking crib bro. don't even try to front dawg, cause i don't play that shit homie. hey dude come 'ere and check this shit. there's these fucking dudes with, like, motorcycles or some shit around there waist. its pretty sick bro,but, like, isn't holloween, like, in four days? that's fucking trippy dude." these are the only acceptable forms of male emotional communication as far as i am concerned. i didn't make the rules up, i only enforce them as a messenger for the greater good of the cosmos.


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