Who Farted?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Teach a Man to Fish...

...and he'll want to borrow your boat. that shit sucks. teach a man to fish in a backyard in the cuts of vista whilst consuming cans and cans of take this job and shove it...fucking awsome. traditional fisherman or anglers as they want to be called at time are severely blowing it. if you ever see one in the wild, tell them that rich crenshaw said to suck it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

"Who farted" may perhaps be the greatest question ever asked by mankind. its answer is still as mysterious as when it was first asked by Socrates nearly one hundred years ago. this entire page is dedicated to asking and answering some of lifes most important issues. i will ascertain the answers to these riddles and my conclusions will not be doubted by anyone. what would joseph smith do?...probably just make something up.